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The following messages were posted on the previous forum system. If you would like to respond to one of them, please quote it in a new thread.
pool opening 0 2/11/09 12:20pm
Does anyone else agree that the pool needs to open earlier in the Spring and be open longer in the fall? We live in Texas and it gets hot and some of us would enjoy relaxing by the pool. We do not need lifeguards during this time.
Shannon Mims - 2/11/09 12:20pm
REmoval of the slide at the Kid's Pool 4 9/7/08 6:07pm
There was an announcement in the latest newsletter about a decision to remove the slide at the kid's pool. How come this issue wasn't brought before the residents? It seems to have come out of nowhere - no discussion, etc. It also appears that there is no solid plan on what to replace the slide with, just a vague mention of a water feature. The slide is a popular attraction for the neighborhood kids and I think the decision to remove it should have been tossed around a bit. Anyone else share a thought or opinion?
David Karabinas - 3/20/08 9:29pm
I am also disappointed about the removal of the slide and also the elimination of Life Guards. The safety of the community should have more importance. I; too, think major issues like this should be determined by the residents, not a select few.
Nancy Lattin
Nancy Lattin - 3/21/08 2:02pm
Hello everyone-
Being very new here I do not wish to offend anyone, for I understand that perhaps there are many things that first occurred prior to the initial decision to terminate lifeguards and the slide, then the subsequent decision to reverse the decision, and the present schedule for the lifeguard attendance which appears to be substantially short of the entire season (and I have no clue if this is the tradition).
Being on a one year rental agreement with the actual owner of this house, I understand that I do not have voting privileges in association matters; yet, the way I see it, I have a greater advantage. a greater vote - whether or not we choose, after our children have gone to these schools for a year, once we have a year of our lives invested in this neighborhood, whether or not we decide to purchase a home in this subdivision thus supporting the home values (opposite of what that slab of concrete to my west must have done) or if we choose to move elsewhere. So in that light, I will continue.
Picnicking one evening by the park a gentleman approached my family. I suspected he was going to ask for some proof of residency, but instead he began telling me that the homeowners' association board, without the input nor the prior knowledge of the homeowners as a whole, had made the unilateral decision to eliminate lifeguards and the slide - sprung on the entire community just days prior to the opening of the facility for the season, and asked me to come by the next day to sign a petition voicing my opposition. I asked him the reasons behind the board's decision - he said that when he asked, the reason was refused, that he was told that the only time the board ever heard from him was when he called to complain.
Yes, being on a board can be like that. The only time I got any praise in my subdivision political history was when I designed and in majority built a lakeside deck for a subdivision; otherwise, I only heard of problems that needed to be fixed. That I accepted; whether or not I should of perhaps can be argued; however, I saw that as part of the responsibility of the position I elected to take on.
But in the case before me now, I sincerely can not believe that such a decision was made before a majority vote of your membership; this is a material aspect of the subdivision that has the ability to directly and substantially effect home values. That the decision was so quickly reversed further concerns me, raising a host of questions and having an unfortunate spectrum of appearance.
I, in my humble position as an outsider, effected by these actions, looking in, most respectfully suggest that everyone, the homeowners as a group and the board members as a group, might highly benefit by an explanation as to how these decisions were reached, including the rational therein. I like to believe that the board well recognizes that they were dealing with the livelihoods of each and every family in this subdivision in making such a decision, that they would not make such a decision without first taking proper steps to gauge the effects and inform the membership, allow for an airing of questions, grievances and resolutions prior thereto unless there was some form of over riding material reason, and I believe that it would help substantially cut down rumors before they started growing by explaining the process to all, for I choose to believe in the integrity of each individual inclusive of board members until proven otherwise.
As many times in my life I have believed I was quite right and later found I was wrong, I ask that everyone understands I only recently moved in; there are many factors in play including that it is entirely possible that the issue has been hashed and rehashed; I can only ask to be informed as to recent events that I find quite disquieting on the surface and the subsequent handling thereof.
As an added note, doesn't the subdivision charter provide specific voting guidelines for these type of changes that effect everyone? It seems to me that if it does not provide for a significant majority ranging to the almost unanimous, to buy property here is sure placing a heck of a lot of trust in a limited number of individuals, and needlessly relinquishing a rather surprising degree of say in the property you folks have invested in.
Last, for now, I apologize for not having used the advanced editing, for everything is being grouped into one paragraph instead of as it appears in my editing window. I will quickly try to go through and provide html tags with the presumption that this will somewhat fix it, but it could just make matters worse!
Bruce McCormick - 3/23/08 3:21pm
I would like to know where all of the money that we are saving this summer, not employing lifeguards full-time, is going??? This is very upsetting to me and my family. What makes anyone think that we don't need full-time lifeguards at both of the pools? The lifeguards have always provided an extra sense of safety that made it more enjoyable to swim at the pool. The fact that we as homeowners are told that we ALL share ownership of the pool but can't use the slide unless a lifeguard is on duty makes no sense to me. I don't feel as though there is ever enough effort put out by the H.O.A. committee members to try and get everyone in the community involved. If I had any idea that the lifeguards were going to become an issue I would have certainly attended any meeting to voice my concerns and objections. I have lived in the neighborhood for five years and only received six newsletters, I have attended most of the functions at the clubhouse, and have never met any of the H.O.A. board members. I signed up to be involved with the H.O.A. upon moving to the neighborhood and never heard from anyone after living here for five years. I have spoken to many of my neighbors and they feel the same as me and my family regarding the lifeguard issue. Meaghan Haslam
Meaghan Haslam - 4/5/08 8:00pm
There have been plenty of opportunities for you and your family to attend board meetings. There have been plenty of indications of meetings to occur for the miscellaneous board meetings. And, the RealManage can also be contacted to find out when/where or who to contact with respect to concerns you may have with the board itself.
When it comes to the lifeguards and/or slides remember there might be more to the decision that meets the eye. The best thing is to contact either the RealManage or one of the board members ( why the decisions were made. There are alot of people in Forest Oaks/Silver Oaks and while all decisions are being made for the general public, there will always be a small group of people that don't approve of the decision.
Arild Kolsrud - 9/7/08 6:07pm
Goggles 0 9/3/08 12:24pm
During the latter part of the summer, the lifeguards would ask all children to remove goggles when on the slide. There was no reason for this unwritten rule given, and nothing in the pool rules address this. The chemicals that are used now burn the eyes, so our children are now using gogles to swim. I believe this rule is unnecessary. The lifeguards can spend their time on more important things.
Katherine Zapalac - 9/3/08 12:24pm
Pool Lounge Chairs 0 9/2/07 12:30pm
I was wondering why there aren't lounge chairs at the Pool near the Community Center? There are plenty at the other pool. Can we get some for next summer?
Margaret Heckathorn - 9/2/07 12:30pm
pool opening 0 2/11/09 12:20pm
Does anyone else agree that the pool needs to open earlier in the Spring and be open longer in the fall? We live in Texas and it gets hot and some of us would enjoy relaxing by the pool. We do not need lifeguards during this time.
Shannon Mims - 2/11/09 12:20pm
REmoval of the slide at the Kid's Pool 4 9/7/08 6:07pm
There was an announcement in the latest newsletter about a decision to remove the slide at the kid's pool. How come this issue wasn't brought before the residents? It seems to have come out of nowhere - no discussion, etc. It also appears that there is no solid plan on what to replace the slide with, just a vague mention of a water feature. The slide is a popular attraction for the neighborhood kids and I think the decision to remove it should have been tossed around a bit. Anyone else share a thought or opinion?
David Karabinas - 3/20/08 9:29pm
I am also disappointed about the removal of the slide and also the elimination of Life Guards. The safety of the community should have more importance. I; too, think major issues like this should be determined by the residents, not a select few.
Nancy Lattin
Nancy Lattin - 3/21/08 2:02pm
Hello everyone-
Being very new here I do not wish to offend anyone, for I understand that perhaps there are many things that first occurred prior to the initial decision to terminate lifeguards and the slide, then the subsequent decision to reverse the decision, and the present schedule for the lifeguard attendance which appears to be substantially short of the entire season (and I have no clue if this is the tradition).
Being on a one year rental agreement with the actual owner of this house, I understand that I do not have voting privileges in association matters; yet, the way I see it, I have a greater advantage. a greater vote - whether or not we choose, after our children have gone to these schools for a year, once we have a year of our lives invested in this neighborhood, whether or not we decide to purchase a home in this subdivision thus supporting the home values (opposite of what that slab of concrete to my west must have done) or if we choose to move elsewhere. So in that light, I will continue.
Picnicking one evening by the park a gentleman approached my family. I suspected he was going to ask for some proof of residency, but instead he began telling me that the homeowners' association board, without the input nor the prior knowledge of the homeowners as a whole, had made the unilateral decision to eliminate lifeguards and the slide - sprung on the entire community just days prior to the opening of the facility for the season, and asked me to come by the next day to sign a petition voicing my opposition. I asked him the reasons behind the board's decision - he said that when he asked, the reason was refused, that he was told that the only time the board ever heard from him was when he called to complain.
Yes, being on a board can be like that. The only time I got any praise in my subdivision political history was when I designed and in majority built a lakeside deck for a subdivision; otherwise, I only heard of problems that needed to be fixed. That I accepted; whether or not I should of perhaps can be argued; however, I saw that as part of the responsibility of the position I elected to take on.
But in the case before me now, I sincerely can not believe that such a decision was made before a majority vote of your membership; this is a material aspect of the subdivision that has the ability to directly and substantially effect home values. That the decision was so quickly reversed further concerns me, raising a host of questions and having an unfortunate spectrum of appearance.
I, in my humble position as an outsider, effected by these actions, looking in, most respectfully suggest that everyone, the homeowners as a group and the board members as a group, might highly benefit by an explanation as to how these decisions were reached, including the rational therein. I like to believe that the board well recognizes that they were dealing with the livelihoods of each and every family in this subdivision in making such a decision, that they would not make such a decision without first taking proper steps to gauge the effects and inform the membership, allow for an airing of questions, grievances and resolutions prior thereto unless there was some form of over riding material reason, and I believe that it would help substantially cut down rumors before they started growing by explaining the process to all, for I choose to believe in the integrity of each individual inclusive of board members until proven otherwise.
As many times in my life I have believed I was quite right and later found I was wrong, I ask that everyone understands I only recently moved in; there are many factors in play including that it is entirely possible that the issue has been hashed and rehashed; I can only ask to be informed as to recent events that I find quite disquieting on the surface and the subsequent handling thereof.
As an added note, doesn't the subdivision charter provide specific voting guidelines for these type of changes that effect everyone? It seems to me that if it does not provide for a significant majority ranging to the almost unanimous, to buy property here is sure placing a heck of a lot of trust in a limited number of individuals, and needlessly relinquishing a rather surprising degree of say in the property you folks have invested in.
Last, for now, I apologize for not having used the advanced editing, for everything is being grouped into one paragraph instead of as it appears in my editing window. I will quickly try to go through and provide html tags with the presumption that this will somewhat fix it, but it could just make matters worse!
Bruce McCormick - 3/23/08 3:21pm
I would like to know where all of the money that we are saving this summer, not employing lifeguards full-time, is going??? This is very upsetting to me and my family. What makes anyone think that we don't need full-time lifeguards at both of the pools? The lifeguards have always provided an extra sense of safety that made it more enjoyable to swim at the pool. The fact that we as homeowners are told that we ALL share ownership of the pool but can't use the slide unless a lifeguard is on duty makes no sense to me. I don't feel as though there is ever enough effort put out by the H.O.A. committee members to try and get everyone in the community involved. If I had any idea that the lifeguards were going to become an issue I would have certainly attended any meeting to voice my concerns and objections. I have lived in the neighborhood for five years and only received six newsletters, I have attended most of the functions at the clubhouse, and have never met any of the H.O.A. board members. I signed up to be involved with the H.O.A. upon moving to the neighborhood and never heard from anyone after living here for five years. I have spoken to many of my neighbors and they feel the same as me and my family regarding the lifeguard issue. Meaghan Haslam
Meaghan Haslam - 4/5/08 8:00pm
There have been plenty of opportunities for you and your family to attend board meetings. There have been plenty of indications of meetings to occur for the miscellaneous board meetings. And, the RealManage can also be contacted to find out when/where or who to contact with respect to concerns you may have with the board itself.
When it comes to the lifeguards and/or slides remember there might be more to the decision that meets the eye. The best thing is to contact either the RealManage or one of the board members ( why the decisions were made. There are alot of people in Forest Oaks/Silver Oaks and while all decisions are being made for the general public, there will always be a small group of people that don't approve of the decision.
Arild Kolsrud - 9/7/08 6:07pm
Goggles 0 9/3/08 12:24pm
During the latter part of the summer, the lifeguards would ask all children to remove goggles when on the slide. There was no reason for this unwritten rule given, and nothing in the pool rules address this. The chemicals that are used now burn the eyes, so our children are now using gogles to swim. I believe this rule is unnecessary. The lifeguards can spend their time on more important things.
Katherine Zapalac - 9/3/08 12:24pm
Pool Lounge Chairs 0 9/2/07 12:30pm
I was wondering why there aren't lounge chairs at the Pool near the Community Center? There are plenty at the other pool. Can we get some for next summer?
Margaret Heckathorn - 9/2/07 12:30pm
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